Andrea Seydel Unconventional Bookclub Highlight
By Neil Pasricha

Do you want to unlock the secrets to happiness? Neil Pasricha, in his book The Happiness Equation, talks about 9 secrets to a happier life. He takes a common ideal and flips it on its head. His step by step guide allows you to apply each secret to live a happier life today. It's tough to teach and train your brain to stay positively focused while navigating life bumps. In his book, he teaches how to want nothing, do anything and have everything.
Secret #1: Be Happy First- Happiness has it's advantages
Secret #2: Do It For Yourself- Don't compete with others
Secret #3: Remember the Lottery- You already won the lottery
Secret #4: Never Retire- Wake up with purpose everyday
Secret #5: Over Value You-Work less make more
Secret #6: Create Space- Balance doing and thinking with space
Secret #7 Just Do It- DO first, then believe, then want to do
Secret #8: Be You -Be who you are when no one's looking
Secret #9: Don't Take Advice -Make up your own mind
Some instant usable tips to apply from the Happiness Equation:
Three Mindful Walks/Week
20 minute replay of positive experience 3 X week
Random acts of kindness 5 X week
Complete unplug renewal daily
Hit Flow- get into the zone of challenge and skill daily
2 Minute mediations rewire brain
Exercise gratitude for positive emotions
For a full highlight of this book, visit my podcast Live Life Happy with Andrea Seydel on iTunes.