By Andrea Seydel Author of Saving You Is Killing Me: Loving Someone with an addiction

Write Your Own Script and Cultivate Hope:
Inner peace allows us to find hope despite the chaos. Spirituality allows us to increase our intuition or connection to energy or source, to tap back into our ability to be hopeful. Lifeforce energy goes up and down. Tapping into the life force through spiritual practices such as cultivating hope can be very therapeutic and healing. Spirituality increases our ability to be compassionate, mindful, and kind to ourselves and others. Hope is a positive emotion that can bring peace into our lives.
Consider for a moment; How has hopefulness helped you in the past? How hard has it been to keep hope in challenging situations?
What would have happened if you did not have hope?
How can hope help you now?
See painful experiences as a catalyst for growth, change, and enlightenment. Own your healing and focus on how your experience can foster potential growth. How can you describe your current or recent challenges in a way that feels more powerful? Journal your response. Seeing pain as a catalyst for change is the process of personal growth and development. Ask yourself these questions:
What is your current state?
What is your desired state?
What is possible?
How do you get there?
What do you need?
Where do you go from here?
In the book Learned Hopefulness, Dan Tomasulo, Ph, D., teaches us that we can make choices to learn hopefulness. Here are some of his suggestions for when confronted with a challenge or when you feel hopeless; walk yourself through these suggestions and think about how you can cultivate these choices as habits to increase your hope. Journal your thoughts.
The choices to become more hopeful:
1. Seeing possibilities: Challenge beliefs about our limitations.
2. Adjusting perception: Transform negative beliefs into hopeful ones.
3. Shaping feelings: Cultivate positive emotions.
4. Exploring strengths: Discover your best character qualities to improve your life.
5. Creating micro-goals: Set realistic mini-goals calibrated to motivate you.
6. Finding purpose: Develop life priorities and determine what matters.
7. Cherishing relationships: Connect to others and learn how to give and receive.
When all else feels hopeless, personal growth and spirituality are available to us all. It is about being centered in your own heart, feeling at peace, and connecting to your innate wisdom. Cultivate hope to enhance spirituality so you can have more clarity, connection, trust, and flow in your life.
For further support: Do not hesitate to listen to the SYKM podcast or purchase the book
You can also reach out to Andrea Seydel herself at
Here is the SYKM Podcast link: